Sunday, February 22, 2009

Day 25 - Minus 39 pounds!

Gerald was generous enough to take pictures today and do the pictorial montage you see below. It shows my pre-op picture and me today. I guess I don't smile very big, but maybe it will get better as I go. I'm certainly not frowning like I was pre-op though!

We also took measurements today. I know it's not my 1 month surgiversary yet, but my pre-op measurements were done on Jan. 19th. So these are about 1 month and 2 days out - especially since I'm guessing that my measurements didn't change appreciable before surgery. I've lost 21.75 inches since surgery! WOW. Although it seems like my rear end isn't budging, I am losing all over according to the tape measure. Most notably, I lost 1.25" from my neck, 2.5" from my chest, 1" from my bust (Yay - they're not leaving as fast as I had thought they might!), 3" from my waist, and 3.75" from my hips. I'm really glad to see the numbers.

But one thing that was cool was that today I wore a jacket to church that I hadn't had on in a couple of years. It was so tight across my boobs that it looked bad and it wouldn't even button over my hips at all. Well, today it fit and was so comfortable! It's wool, too, so it was nice and warm for church. Have I mentioned that I am constantly freezing all the time? That is REALLY a new one on me! Crazy, I tell ya!!

I will be weighing again on Wednesday since my "official" weigh day is Wednesdays. We'll see how much more I manage to lose before my 1 mo. check-up with Dr. Smith. My check-up with him will be Monday, March 3rd. Here's hoping he's pleased with my progress!

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