Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day Late - Weigh-in Wednesday 6 weeks

Yesterday was 6 full weeks since surgery. I weighed in at 256.4, 38 pounds less than the day of surgery and a total of 49 pounds from my highest weight. Physically, I feel good. I think I look better. We'll take measurements next week to see how much more I've lost in inches.

I'm WAY stressed these days, so eating is not the comfort it once was. It can't be. So I've cried, screamed, cursed, and just mainly been angry about the loss of my job. So in short, I'm having to deal with it instead of stuffing it down with food. I have no interest in eating because if I do and if I eat what I know would comfort me, it would hurt anyway.

I'll be ok. I just have to get through this, and the next few days will be the worst I guess. I'll be back with more positive news soon. Love to you all.

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